How to safely lift BoxDocs creates

When moving boxes or crates, it is important that you use the correct handling methods to prevent injury. Before you begin to unpack your BoxDocs plastic crates, check out these tips recommended by the Health and Safety Executive.

Think before you lift

Plan the journey of the lift, noting any possible obstructions and removing them, including doorways that need to be opened as well as obstacles by your feet. For a long lift, consider a resting point where you can adjust your grip. Bear in mind the weight of the load and consider a second or third person to help with the lift. When handling the load, keep your head up and look ahead, giving yourself a clear view of your route.

Keep the load close to the waist

To reduce the amount of pressure on your back when lifting, keep the load close to the waist with the heaviest side closest to the body to help with balance. Hugging the load close to the body also makes a stronger and more solid lift.

Adopt a stable position

You should stand with your feet apart, with one leg slightly forward alongside the load (if the load is on the ground). Give yourself room to adjust your feet during the lift; this will help maintain balance.

Lift with your knees, not your back

Bend your knees and squat down with a slight curve in your back to lift a load from the floor. This will reduce pressure on the lower back. Also ensure that you don’t twist your body sideways whilst lifting, keep your shoulders level and facing the same direction as your hips.

Know your limits

Do not lift more than you can manage. It is safer to lift a larger quantity of lighter loads than a few loads that are too heavy. Always ask for help if you need it.

At BoxDocs, we offer plastic crate hire for all your moving needs. Call us for a quote on 02879 633 298.